The most over-used, upsetting word we hear about 100 times per day right now. Times are not fun... in fact, they are difficult. As Greg and I reflect over the past year; our accomplishments, goals, and our dreams, we realize that somethings do happen for a reason.
We have gone back and forth for several years on new studio space; something bigger, something that is over the top... better than the rest... really.. really COOL! But, our customers kept repeating, don't move, we LOVE your studio, so we have remained in our "smaller than we would like" studio. It does the job, and quite well we might add. Yeah, it could be bigger, and... oh, the things we would LOVE to have in it. But, now we are so happy that we have listened to our customers and our "budget" & remained steady in our nice studio. Our over-head is low and thus, we are able to keep our prices very affordable. While other photographers who have built their dream studios, with all of the debt that comes with it, are suffering in this economy, we have had the blessing of a wonderful growth. With our level of experience, expertise and quality, our prices remain the most affordable in the area. As my mother always says, "be careful what you wish for..." If our dreams would have come true a year or two ago and we had built our dream studio, we truly feel that we would not be enjoying the business we are today.
We truly feel that everyone deserves spectacular portraits of their family. In light of this economy, we have kept our 2008 pricing in place.
Thank you so much to our faithful and loyal customers. Each and every one of you mean the world to us! We appreciate your business!